sewing,  throwback thursday

Throwback Thursday – Egg Apron!

A regular feature where I remember a fun make that has not yet been on the blog!

As a rule-following perfectionist, I do not stray from patterns very often (I don’t want to take the blame if things go wrong, ha!). But when my friend C took a new teaching job, I really wanted to congratulate her with *the perfect present*. In this case, I wanted to make her an egg apron!

I had seen tons of these aprons on Pinterest and the like, but I don’t keep chickens, and I never really thought I would make one of them. Then, my favorite Z Fabrics got these amazing Cotton + Steel prints and I thought that they were just PERFECT for the egg gathering apron I absolutely do not need!

So it was incredibly fortuitous that C took this job and that the fabric was still in stock. I sketched out a few dimensions and started cutting into these delicious chicken-and-egg designs. The trickiest part was the pockets. Of course, I neglected some dimensions with the box pleated pockets, so I had to make some things up on the fly. But I loved the end result!

Have you made anything outside your comfort zone lately?