Special Olympics Scarves
When I worked in my corporate job, I spent a lot of time volunteering with Special Olympics Maine – fundraising and volunteering at the Games. One way that I was happy to be involved was when they started calling for scarves for the Winter Games!
Each year, Special Olympics Maine calls for volunteers to crochet or knit scarves for the amazing athletes that participate in Special Olympics. They ask for specific colors, but you get to choose any pattern, such fun! Over the years, I have been able to donate a scarf or two each year.
This year, Special Olympics Maine chose three colors: purple, blue, and green. This gives the knitter/crocheter SOOOOO much flexibility to design some really fun patterns to donate! I picked up a pound of each of these colors from a local craft store, and so far I have crocheted four scarves! If you are interested in sharing your own craft for a great cause, please consider it: https://colouringwithyarn.wordpress.com/special-olympics-scarf-project-2/2019-special-olympics-scarf-project/
I have plenty of yarn left, and I hope that I can squeeze out another scarf or two. I hope you’ll join me!