• kids clothing,  updates

    Join us at the Maker’s Market!

    m bee makes will be a featured vendor at The Maker’s Market at the Point this Sunday, June 23. This is such a great venue. Hours are from 10-3. You can enjoy featured libations from the bar while you shop – wow! There are usually some food truck offerings as well, so plan on lunch while you are there! We’ll…

  • family life,  kids clothing,  sewing

    Holiday Blogging: Pajamas

    Now that the holidays are past and I have a few minutes to breathe again, I can catch up on blogging all my holiday makes! Making holiday pajamas for my children has become a delightful tradition. (The delicious animal print is from Windham Fabrics – purchased at Z Fabrics) I used the Sleepover Pajamas pattern from Oliver + S. I…

  • family life,  kids clothing,  sewing,  Uncategorized

    Holiday Blogging: Outfits

    Now that the holidays are past and I have a few minutes to breathe again, I can catch up on blogging all my holiday makes! My kids still let me put them in matching outfits… so how could I NOT make something with my favorite Rifle Paper Company print from the past year?! (Fabrics are: Brussels Washer Linen and Rifle…

  • kids clothing

    Costumes for a friend

    No really… for a friend 🙂 I am soooo excited to embark upon my first “commissioned” business! A friend of mine has some VERY cool kids who are into Rocky and Bullwinkle. Apparently, that is not an available Halloween costume this year. Crazy! So, I priced out some materials at a sewing store (yes, one of those big chains), and…

  • kids clothing

    Kindergarten Pants!

    My son, B, just started kindergarten a few weeks ago. I am completely guilty of making many more easy skirts for my daughter and neglecting tricky things like inseams – which means my little guy gets jealous of the mama-made clothes! So I took a special trip to my favorite fabric store, Z Fabrics, and picked up a few special…